There is already a time suckage problem around here. Then you add the fact that Sirius and XM merged their programming this week. There is a channel devoted to Led Zeppelin, which in and of itself means there is a God and he likes me. No less than three of my buddies have proclaimed it the "Kashmir channel." HAHA..greatness! Between Facebook, internet poker,, and the Kashmir channel, plus that whole work and sleep thing. Is there time for Maggie?
My college football team is undefeated and is consuming my thoughts. I'm happy for about a day after a game then this dread-anticipation-hope-typical tech-is this for real-so awesome to be us for once feeling comes over me. I don't know if i can continue being this happy. It's uncomfortable.
9 more days until kickoff. Do you realize that it has been over a calendar year since the beloved lost a football game!
Ricardo is not mas macho, the answer is that Lloyd Bridges es mas macho! Everyone knows that. Now turn the TV off and do your homework!
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