Saturday, March 22, 2008

Shatner's birthday

There are two kinds of people in this world. There are Chuck Norris fans and there are Shatners. I'm a Shatner.

There are distinctions between the two. Chuck Norris peeps watch Conan(which is ghey)...are toothpaste tube roller uppers, and make up retarded comments about the stock market and economy. "The Feds going to have to bail us out again."....whatever Dude...Usually, but not always...the Norris peeps majored in something completely boring in college like Accounting. They also have Creed songs on their Ipod and think its cool to put the headphones to your ear and make you listen. Ya and also they still say 'brah' and 'wasssss up' and put their arms in the air during football games 'dont leave me hangin...BRAH.'

Shatner has followers. In fact, if Shatner started a religion (which he should) it would be bigger than Elvis. Especially after Shatner intervenes on the Earth's behalf in 2012 and stops the Mayan apocalypse, which I read last night is being covered up by the government to avoid a global panic. No PANIC HERE....Shatner is on it!

Want more proof? Who is the better cop? Walker: Texas Ranger (which is totally offensive to real Texans and real Texas Rangers by the way) or T. J. Hooker. Just look at the opening credits of each show and hands down its Hooker.
Who is the better badass? Some movie about death karate or Star Trek? There is no contest. Shatner does the babes, whups the Romulans and Klingons ass at the same time, and still has energy left over to 5 movies. When will the Walker movie be out? Exactly.

Norris does a nice job of pitching home gyms, i will give him that...still not even half the salesman Shatner is. versus 12 second abs...See?

This post was supposed to be about William Shatner turning 77. He does today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See fine corinthian leather....above!