Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Hubbub bub

The tee vee

The tee vee said it wus going to be windy. That some cold air wus coming down frum the north. The south was where warm air came from and it aint coming back til mundee. Maybe tuesdee.
They said Nugeboogie, thats r congressman, weren't gonna vote fer no stimulus and he said that it weren't nothin but a Democrat spendin bill.

The payper

The payper had a leeter to the editor bitchin about Maria Elena Holly havin her name on a park in town with Buddy. The payper also had some pictures from Bush bein in Mitlands after he weren't presedent no more. The were took aboput 20 days or so ago. Must be big news.

The raydeo

No Jack Dale on Sportsline. He is in the hospital but he is expected to make a full recovery. They said the wind was coming but just said it would be 25 miles an hour. Rush said that we need to stop the Democrats in their tracks. Hannity said the Democrats were screwing up the country. The gold medal guy smokes weed and baseball players take steroids and you can get a wide variety of pecker stimulants if you'll call an 800 number.


goooooood girl said...

your blog is very good......

Anonymous said...

Jack suffered and Inner-Cranium bleed from a fall he took a few weeks back. He is expected to be fine.