Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Hubbub bub

The Tee Vee

The tee vee wuz reporting yesterdee that while the rest of the country is going to hell, which is where they should go by the way, Lubbock is growing and aint in no damn recess.

The tee vee also said that the Red Raiders were playin some basketball this weekend against the Longhorns. Then they showed a Mike Leach press conference whur he explains the War of the Roses and Oliver Cromwell. Dang that guy is weird.

The newz said it wuz goin to be cold.

The Payper

The payper said the lake wuz outta water and that we gots to drill a well fer water. 21 million. Presidant O'Bomba is going to lent us the monee.

The Raydeo

The raydeo said it wuz cold. Then they played Limbaugh, then Hannity, then replay Limbaugh, then replay Hannity 3rd and 4th hour. They said O'Bomba wasn't an merican. Then they said that Izrel wuz well within thare rites to kill them arabs.

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