Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Simulating of a sexual act

There is quite a stir happening in the Lubbock which stems from Chippendale's Dancers getting arrested late last week.

To summarize: Friday the Dancers were arrested in a Sports Bar called Jake's, along with the bar manager. The Lubbock Police stopped the show withing 5 minutes of the opening act and started arresting people for "simulation of a sexual act." They claimed the club violated city ordinance by operating a sexual business without a permit. The next morning the 20 or so arrested at the scene were let go by a Judge for lack of evidence.

Here are the stories from the Lubbock Avalanche Journal.



This is the best one.


Evidently the town hall meeting last night was a powder keg for the city council and mayor. It should be. My new hero in life is Wes Nessman.

"Last Friday night, they set this town back 20 years," said Wes Nessman, production manager of KFMX-FM, who approached the stage and fired off a tirade at city officials as they left the microphones.

"If you're interested in being a public citizen ... stick around. You're not going to blow us off," Nessman said. "Look at how brave they are!"


ItsMeRonnieG said...

Funny stuff...BTW, Wes is not the Production Manager at KFMX....I am. Wes is the Operations Manager and hosts the mid-day 9a-2p slot featuring the 10:40 Blues; Rock and Roll High School and of course, the Free Lunch at Noon sponsored by Texas Steak Express.

Gleemonex said...

That shit went to a jury trial, atticus? Daaaaaaang. Lot of fuss over a truly terrible and worthless movie. Funny what people will get worked up about.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.