Thursday, November 23, 2006


On this Thanksgiving,

I am thankful

......for Al Gore, the interweb, and my dog Maggie.

......for state highway 114, coffee, and the view from either side.

......I don't have to eat another Thanksgiving with my psycho ex girlfriend in California.

......anything is still possible.

......for being a Techsan

......for my friends

......for mullet hair styles

......for tacos

......for College Gameday on ESPN

......for low humidity

......for flannel pajama bottoms

......for making fun of German accents

......for the evolution and fun of the English language

......for the Beatles

......for World Cup Soccer

......for Mobius tubes

......for the effectiveness of Falschirm

......for my king size bed

......for high speed dsl, on demand cable television, and satellite radio

......for my blog

......Ronnie G

......for my parents making sure I got an education

......for my family

......I had a great relationship with my grandparents.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

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