Saturday, March 03, 2007

Weird wild stuff

I was thinking again today. I tend to do that after a few cups of coffee.

Maggie needs a job. That way she could hire somebody to walk her constantly as she demands these days. Not really too much trouble, she just tends to want to walk during an English Premier League match on Fox Soccer Channel. Inevitably, one of the teams scores on some trick shot goal, and I miss it. After watching build up after build up for an hour. I think its okay to miss out, surely nothing will happen. It does. "Bad dog Maggie!"

Demanding? No. Unless you consider that every time a shower is taken or clothes are changed, Maggie thinks its her right to go outside or ride along for a trip. I can't stand the pouting and moping, so I take her along most times. The resale value on my car is the only thing that suffers, and I can handle that.

Great ideas turn bad sometimes. I thought having a garden was going to be alot of fun and cost effective, not to mention having fresh vegetables. Well, now I need to basically turn my entire balcony into a plantation to corral all this stuff busting up through the soil. That doesn't bother me so much, I can deal. But what of the constant watering, warding off pestilence, and cost of all the stuff needed for apartment farming? Knowing me, I think I might ask for an addendum to my renters insurance, just in case of farmer failure. I bet it doesn't work that way. We press on.

I must be getting old. I am actually considering a trip to the farm and garden show at the Lubbock Civic Center because I think it might be fun. Better yet, I might go to Barnes and Noble and get a fancy coffee and pick up a novel. Probably wont do either but instead argue about state politics on the "interweb." Oh wait, I do that almost every day. Black Snake Moan looks interesting. I think watching that movie might set me back a few decades, so I will pass. Besides, I have seen this movie already. Samuel L. Jackson says "mother f*&^er" 47 times and somebody gets shot. Nobody is cool like Jackson, I don't need to spend $10.50 and 2.5 hours to validate that fact. Workout and watch EPL all day it is.

College Basketball season is finally getting great. It is always good, but when March rolls around, I get to take advantage of my friends that think last years Cinderellas are going to do it again. So wrong. This years Cinderella will be Texas Tech, of course! My Final 4 will most likely be: Valparaiso, New Mexico State, Texas A&M, and Texas Tech. Tech wins National Championship over A&M in quintuple overtime. Either that or a Florida and Duke final. No, I'm not growing anything illegal, but there is hemp in my shampoo.

It's all about how I think about things.

I weigh 272 pounds, that is slightly lighter than where I was. To make it more interesting, I have a 7 gallon water container I use to transport reverse osmosis water up three flights of stairs once a week. I have almost lost an entire containers worth of weight since I moved in on the first of December. Imagine, each and every step of your existence carrying 7 gallons of water. I imagine losing another containers worth by July 4th, 2007. That is alot of stress and strife off your body. The key thing is, turning that image into a reality. I'm half way there and all the way healthier than the person that carried all that weight. Once a week when I get a refill for $1.75, I also get a refill of motivation for free.

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