Saturday, November 26, 2005

Dogs, Thanksgiving, and musing.

I learned along time ago that a mirror to the human mind, soul, and being is seen through a dog. If you truely want a perspective of your total self, you simply need to seek the company of a good dog...all things will improve at that point, including the dog.

My first dog was Faith. We lived together in Lubbock, two blocks away from Jones Stadium and the Texas Tech campus. Faith was a German Shephard. One of my first memories was playing with Faith and her newborn puppies in her doghouse in Lubbock. She protected me and my family until she died in Bridgeport a few years later. Faith was a great dog and I see alot of her today in Maggie and Natasha.

Thank you for dogs, Mike Leach, and the Spread offense. Thanks you for the multitude of bowl victories and a deserved trip to the sweet sixteen. Thanks for letting Bobby Knight win, have fun, and teach again. He digs it, and we all like it alot.

Above all, thanks to my family, friends, and selective few co-workers for making life good.

Lets keep on striving to be the ball.



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