Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Years Eve Resolution Review

I think this year I am going to not make any resolutions, and that will be my resolution. My personal Resolutions have about as much impact as an United Nations Resolution on Iran. Historically, they really don't work out but they damn sure sound good.

Perhaps its because I have little success with will power. Since I lack will power. I'm giving up that also. Easy to give up what you don't have, harder to give up what you do.

Resolutions are like diets or fences to keep illegal aliens out, they do not work. So why combine the two to become the diet resolution? Yet millions will be invading the gyms of America on Tuesday to pay for a year membership they will use for less than a month. Most of the same millions that were there last year. There are always exceptions. There are always lottery winners also. I bet the odds are pretty close.

Notice I mentioned the border fence. Now these people are the exception. They are much like the pilgrims that endured persecution to come to a new unknown world. They have a will to exist, work, and create a new tomorrow for themselves and their families. I respect that. Yes, I agree with the naysayers that they create new problems for us already here. They also do jobs that we no longer want or need to do. This is quite a problem. If you ever wondered how the Native Indians of North America felt about the Europeans coming, I think we are pretty close. The fence will not stop them from coming, and knowing what I know about our present culture, nothing will be done. Not convinced yet anything would really work for everyone.

Hate is such a strong word and is the opposite of love. I don't completely understand either, but who really ever does. The thing I hate the most about our present culture is parents that don't take care of their children. Of course I should immediately be dismissed from this argument because I have yet to have a child of my own. Maybe so, but here is what I know from 6 years of direct interaction with parents and children. There are too few adults in the world that really care about what is important for themselves and their own child. They only care about escaping and most hope the Government or someone else will release their burden. I call that hate.

There are some wonderful exceptions of love. Parents that love their children enough to be tough and spend the time and effort to invest in their child's future. Parents that do not cater to the every whim, but instead cater to making the child understand how to do things for themselves are too few. That is real love. However, their seems to be a never ending supply of people willing to create a child but lack none of the capacity to raise and care for it. I call that hate also.

I hate it because for all the good out there, there seems to be a million bad. I wish I knew what to do and believe me I tried. I tried to convince parents they ought to take the time to be with their boys for 6 years as a Professional Boy Scout Executive. Unfortunately, I failed to convince these parents despite my efforts and training. I made alot of parents feel guilty. But they almost always said the same thing.

I don't have the time

What is more important than spending your personal time with your son or daughter in an environment where they can learn and have fun? WHAT? Because you damn sure aren't going to the gym.

For those parents and people that give of themselves for their own children and others, and NOT the Scout dorks and corrupt greedy Professionals that at are out for their own personal glory-power trip (you'll get yours later...Scout's Honor!), I salute only you that make the real contribution.

They should make the resolutions because theirs are worth sticking to.

Before we can fix the world, we have to fix ourselves. That is a resolution for all years.


TXsharon said...

I resolved to quit New Year's resolutions years ago.

Thank you for the thoughtful commentary.

For all we have and are
For all our children's fate,
Stand up and take the war,
The Hun is at the gate!
Rudyard Kipling

Kingfish said...

I don't always agree with you Sharon, but keeping dodging those stones. I like that you make people think.