Monday, December 18, 2006

Open letter to Iranian President Ahmadinejad

Dear President Ahmadinejad,

Please indulge some questions.

The holocaust is a "myth"? Really? Thanks in advance for clearing that up. Although I have to wonder how you can discount so many documented pieces of evidence to the contrary, not to mention the countless testimony of people that claim they were there? How can any rational person deny this? I presume rational might be in dispute. To be honest and in admittedly poor taste, at prima facie you seem like a Aggie denying the fact that Tech has beaten them in football 8 of 9 times. You'll get along famously with our new Secretary of Defense. Not only is he a former Aggie president, but is also a former CIA. To quote a line from Animal House, "I'm sure you'll have lots to talk about."

"They have invented a myth that Jews were massacred and place this above God, religions and the prophets,"

I guess these so called 'Holocaust victims' were really not dead, but instead leading fruitful lives elsewhere. I would be grateful if you could enlighten me as to there actual whereabouts for the last 60 years.

While your at it, could you please tell me where the 'Grassy Knoll gunmen', Bin Laden, and Elvis are located. In need their input on a screen play I'm trying to sell to Oliver Stone. I will write you in if you help me out.

I'm guessing that no reasonable explanation will be given. Oh but wait, you do give a false one. CNN

"The West has given more significance to the myth of the genocide of the Jews, even more significant than God, religion, and the prophets," he said. "(It) deals very severely with those who deny this myth but does not do anything to those who deny God, religion, and the prophet."
So let me get this straight. If I don't believe in God, but deny the documented history of the Holocaust, then the God I deny will be nice. Cool. Perhaps your quote is lost in the translation. In either case, you should write songs for Gothic bands after your done making the Middle East a glowing piece of green glass.

I'm sorry Mr. President, that's not exactly believable by unlettered standards, perhaps you should watch and read this piece by Scott Pelley from 60 Minutes. He's a great reporter and you can trust him. He's not only from Lubbock, but a Texas Tech graduate as well. If that isn't enough for you, I'm sure you can deny the existence of Texas Tech. The legislature of the Great State of Texas seems to pull it off every now and then. Scott Pelley reports on 60 Minutes.

Want to deny those survivors?

(Great job Scott!)

To use a latin term, your case against the Holocaust lacks res ipsa loquitur evidence. When you make an argument like this then the burden of proof is on you. When you can't provide anything accept,

"Our question is, if you have committed this huge crime, why should the innocent nation of Palestine pay for this crime?"
That dog wont hunt and you know it.

In Conclusion, you don't confound me with that classic subterfuge. I think you want others to believe that you are irrational and you will use that to your advantage at a later date. Probably when you finally have missiles tipped with nuclear warheads. After you decide to use them, will you be alive to deny the genocide you created? Probably not.

I again look forward to your reply.


Russell Smith

If you would also like to email President Ahmadinejad, here is the link to his website.

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