Saturday, December 30, 2006

Typical Tech

All I can report is the sound inside the Fox and Hound after THE FIELD GOAL went through MUST be the sound you hear when you enter the pearly gates. I was thinking as Trlica lined up to kick for the tie, that the universe owed us for the Bama kick in Dallas.

Tech fans DID NOT know how to react. Sure there was cheering, yelling, and hand slapping, but this emotion was very new. To sit there and stir in lament for 2 hours while your team is down by 31 is not fun.

To watch the comeback was comforting, but many of us, if we are honest, would truthfully say we were waiting for the final heartbreak. I will be honest here and say that whilst I was at the Fox I was 'texting' with my Dad and my good friend Helmut, I wasn't happy. One message I wrote to Helmut said,

We either need to fire his ass (Leach) before he lands back in town, or give that man a raise.

I sent a message to Dad stating we were within 10 with 8 to play. He replied,

Don't make me hurt again.

I said,

Were Tech, we hurt, thats what we do.

There were crucial stops by the defense. Time saving first downs. Tech scored on every second half possession. But was it too little too late again? May I remind you of the heartbreak in Stillwater in 03.

Being a Tech fan seems like there is a 99% chance in a big game that your heart will get broken. For two hours most of us prepared for that to happen. Would it be a blow out or a nice comeback narrow loss?




it didn't happen and somewhere in a bar in Minneapolis someone is saying, "Typical Minnesota." Boy I know how that feels.

My Dads final text message was,

The outcome was never in doubt.

Sarcasm is indeed genetic.

This feels good and I'm gonna go with it until September despite the hurl of insults from Helmut, who claims I'm pink for leaving his house at halftime. Sorry bro, but I saw the same game you did and leaving one TV for another is not Pink.

Congratulations Tech coaches, players, and always the Goin Band from Raiderland rocked.

Long live the Matador!

Final note: I woke my mom (also a Tech grad) up early this morning because I didn't get a phone call from her screaming with glee last night. My suspicion that she didn't know the final outcome was verified. I told her the good news and she admitted that she had stopped watching with 2 minutes to go in the second quarter. She got off the phone to get the paper, then called back and said she did the "happy dance" on the front driveway. I like that because I'm sure there are others and that thought makes me happy.


Thank you Red Raiders. I was fortunate to DVR the game. I think I will watch the last 10 minutes and overtime at least 400 times before the opener in September. All I need now is the Brian Jensen radio call, and all will be greatness.


Anonymous said...

The word I used yesterday was "prevail."

The 2nd definition listed in my pocket dictionary defines the word to mean "to become effective or effectual."

Becoming effective is a beautiful thing. I turned it off at halftime-finsihed a novel while my team was becoming truly effective.

Raise the Red Raider banners high!
Go Tech!

Kingfish said...

Its all good.

Helmut said...

Never surrender.
Don't tread on me.