Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Cotton Bowl Countdown: 6 days til tailgate

The Crimson Tide is coming. Their fans actually have a decent reputation, maybe even a smidge better than ours.

Here is a schedule of events.

Saturday, December 31st- New Years party at the hacienda.
Sunday, January 1st- Black eyed pea feast.
Monday, January 2nd

6:15 am-get out of bed...I will already be awake.
6:17 am-Get in shower, crack open 1st beer of the day...Remember what the Rayfes says, "you can't drink all day unless you start in the morning."
6:29 am-Get dressed
6:31 am-Ice down beer..load in truck.
6:40 am-depart with crew to Dallas.
7:40 am-arrive in Parking lot.
7:41 am-crank up the Goin Band FULL BLAST...set up tailgate.
7:47 am-Just do it.
9:37 am-head to Cotton bowl
10:12 am-Kickoff! (Throw tortillas!)
Halftime-Meet Helmut, Harry, and crew for halftime beer whilst Goin Band does their tribute to Sly and the Family Stone.Stone music
The rest of the day will obviously depend on the outcome.

That is all, carry on.

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