Wednesday, December 21, 2005

"Outside the box"

I'm sure everyone is familiar with this saying. If not, consider yourself lucky!

Whenever someone uses this term, please immediately classify this person as an idiot. They can't think of what to say or what to do, so this is the bullshit they spew in hopes of siphoning off your brain power, so they can pawn it off as their own.

Here's my response to the 'box people.' Feel free to use this in general conversation.

Where is the box? I wasn't aware that I was in the box? I doubt if I was in a box willingly, I would be inside of one with you. Okay, so lets just say hypothetically, you do know what that means, right? Okay, lets say that we are indeed inside of THE box. If we get out of this box, then what happens if we land in a more confining box?
So the 'box' people get confused, so to combat you they confuse you back. They change the word box into sphere.


The worst thing the box people can do is institute the 'comfort zone' lecture. We should have all heard that one by now. My idea of the comfort zone is my hacienda, Lubbock, Ft. Worth, and Wise County. I have expanded my comfort zone as far as i really want to. The way i see it someones zone is their own damn business.

I have a friend, and to protect his reputation will just call him Ron Grant. Ron's comfort zone revolves around the Cities of Ralls and Lubbock, Texas. That's really it. I have been with him to Austin before, and I think that did him in for about 10 years. Ron goes to work, drinks with his friends at 'THE BAR', and goes home. On weekends, he visits his mother without fail. Ron is a happy and good man. So imagine your Ron and some idiot tells you you need to venture out of your comfort zone. Well If I'm Ron I'd say why dont ya get out of yours and have a shot of Jaeger!

On second thought, I have decided to reverse myself just a bit here. I think it is wise to get out of your box, sphere, sleeping bag, or whatever. I think anyone that is intent on having a full life experience just naturally does this. My problem isn't with people venturing, it is other people bullying them to do it. My corrolary to this is simple. Venture forth on new experiences on your own volition. There is a difference between being inspired and being bullied into being falsely inspired. Its just like the scene in Office Space whenever Lumbergh is saying and pointing to the sign outloud, "IS THIS GOOD FOR THE COMPANY!" Everyone is uninspired and falsely clapping, except that one brown noser. Well, i doubt there is any inspiration without an expectation of personal gain.

Which brings me to my point, you cant inspire others to change unless their is incentive for them to help make change happen. It seems like a simple concept that is too often ignored in the work place. So whenever you hear 'crisis' remember the government is about to take a big chunk out ya behind, and whenever you hear 'box' remember someone doesn't really want to think, they just want you to do it for them. Its up to you to decide if their is any incentive in it worth it. In a crisis you have no choice.


Anonymous said...

You're drunk, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

When do you find yourself outside your box?

Kingfish said...

I find myself wondering if the box is really space-time.

Helmut said...

Everyone knows that the "box" is a metaphore for the vagina. Saying, "I'm outside the box" is simply letting the conservative media win. Don't let them win. Just say no to saying yes. I mean no. Hell...where was I?

Anonymous said...

Where is the line between encouragement and bulling? Can one be encouraged to step out of the zone/box whatever - or any comments suggesting they might discover something outside of their “box” is that being a bully? Where is the line?

Kingfish said...

There's a LINE now? A LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Where is it? When does encouragment stop and bulling begin?

Kingfish said...

I think it ends after lunch, sometime in the afternoon. Its probably blood sugar related.